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10 Home Remedies to Treat Constipated Newborns

by | Newborn

What is constipation?

Constipation occurs when your baby’s poop is hard and dry, making pooing difficult. Doing a hard poo can be painful at times. Constipation is common in babies transitioning from formula or breast milk to solid foods.


What constitutes normal?

Every baby is different, including how frequently they poop. ‘Normal’ encompasses a very broad spectrum. Some babies poop after each feeding. Others will only poop every few days or so. When it comes to how frequently they poop, once every 7 days or seven times in one day are both acceptable as long as your baby is happy and healthy.  However, while the number of poos is unimportant, if your baby appears to have pain when trying to poo or has a very hard, dry poo, you can speak with their doctor or child health nurse for advice. 

Why is my baby constipated?

A change in diet is one of the most common causes of constipation in babies. A diet change may include: 

• transitioning from formula-feeding to breastfeeding 

• exposure to new foods and flavors

• failing to consume enough liquids (breastmilk, formula or water)

Constipation is more common in bottle (infant formula) fed babies than in breast-fed babies.

If your baby has begun to eat solid foods, a lack of fibre in their diet may also contribute to constipation. Even if they eat well and drink plenty of fluids, some babies have a natural tendency toward constipation. This does not imply that they are unhealthy or ill.

Baby poo guide

Find out more about your baby’s poop.

In extreme cases, rare illnesses such as: 

• nerve ending problems in the bowel 

• spinal cord problems 

• thyroid deficiency 

• other metabolic disorders can cause constipation.

Because all babies are screened for these conditions, this is usually not a cause for concern. However, if you are concerned about your baby or notice that pooing is painful for them, seek medical attention.

How to Recognize Constipation Symptoms?

Constipation is characterized by hard, dry stools. Other symptoms of constipation include:

Your baby may show signs of straining when attempting to pass a poop. • Your baby may appear unsettled, fussy, or irritated. Your baby may be eating less or feeding less well than usual.

A tear or crack might appear in the skin around the anus, which may at times bleed.

In some cases, if your child is constipated, they may look bloated or their stomach may appear larger than usual. It can be possible to feel their poo (hard, solid lumps) while pressing softly on their stomach.

How to treat constipation at home

To assist babies who are having trouble passing poop, try the following suggestions:

• If your baby is on infant formula, always measure the water before adding the formula powder — this ensures that the water-to-formula ratio is correct.

• If your baby is old enough to drink water, provide additional drinks (boiled and cooled first).

• Gently rub their stomach to stimulate the bowel — your baby may benefit from gentle massage to help manage the pain of constipation.

• A warm bath can help your baby relax and relieve discomfort.

If your baby is older than 6 months, supplement their diet with more fruits and vegetables to increase their fiber intake. If your child is older than 9 months, you can supplement their diet with stewed prunes or apricots. They can have up to three tablespoons three times per week. Cereal containing bran may also help with mild constipation. Pruning juice diluted with water can be tried on older babies (half prune juice and half water). Begin gradually, with 10 milliliters. Increase as necessary until they can poo softly.

Is it necessary for my child to see a doctor?

Constipation is quite common. It will often pass without intervention or with the assistance of the strategies listed above. If you are concerned that your baby is constipated, uncomfortable, or in pain, their doctor can examine them and recommend baby-safe practices. There are medical treatments available for constipation. If your baby was previously treated for constipation but still struggles to poo, it is important to go back to your doctor for a review. There are several treatments they can try.

10 Best Natural Babies Constipation Remedies

It’s terrifying to see your baby in pain or discomfort. The following are some natural remedies for baby constipation that may be beneficial:

1. Apple Cider

Constipation can occur in babies as well as adults due to a lack of fiber. Apples contain pectin, a water-soluble fiber that is extremely beneficial in the treatment of constipation. You can juice an apple with the skin and give it to your baby in a feeding bottle or sipper. A bottle of juice per day may assist your baby in passing stool more easily.

2. Prune Juice

When it comes to dealing with constipation in babies, prune juice is extremely effective. Prunes have laxative properties. Thus, prune juice can help babies with bowel movements. The prune juice may take four to five hours to induce a bowel movement.

3. granulated sugar

If your baby is over the age of one year, a brown sugar solution can help with constipation. You can give your baby half a teaspoon of sugar and half an ounce of water twice a day. It is preferable to use palm sugar or brown sugar rather than white sugar.

4. Organic Coconut Oil

Organic coconut oil is extremely effective if your baby has infrequent bowel movements or has difficulty passing stool. If your baby is older than six months, you can add two to three millilitres of coconut oil to his or her food. If your baby is under six months old, you can apply coconut oil around his or her anus to help with stools.


Tomatoes are extremely beneficial in the treatment of constipation in babies over the age of six months. Tomato juice can help your baby’s bowel movements. 1 cup water and 1 small tomato, boiled Allow the mixture to cool before straining it. On a daily basis, give your baby three to four spoons of this juice.

6. Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are well-known for their numerous health benefits, and they are particularly effective in treating digestive issues. A teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cup of water can be boiled. Allow the decoction to cool and strain before giving it to your baby three to four times per day. If your baby is under 6 months old, the mother may include fennel seeds twice daily.


Papaya is high in fiber and thus effective in treating constipation. Papaya is an excellent remedy for constipation in babies over the age of six months. To help the baby’s bowel movements, papaya pulp, chunks, or smoothies can be given.

8. Pears

Pears are high in pectin and fiber. To extract the juice from pears, grate them. Pear juice should be given to your baby in a diluted form. As a result, combine two ounces of juice with equal parts water and give it to your baby to help with smooth bowel movements. After four months of age, pears can be given to a baby.

9. Liquids

Constipation can result from a lack of adequate liquids or fluids in your baby’s diet. As a result, if your baby is over 6 months old, it is recommended that you include plenty of fluids in his or her diet. To increase fluid intake, try soups, fruit juices, milk, or water. Adequate liquid intake in your baby’s body may aid in smooth development.

10. Warm Water Bath

Warm water baths are an excellent way to soothe and relax tense muscles. A warm bath can also help with constipation. Fill your baby’s bathtub halfway with warm water and sprinkle with baking soda. It will aid in the opening of the rectal muscles and the passage of bowel movements.


Tummy massages are an excellent way to get babies to urinate. It is recommended that you use gentle clockwise hand movements to stimulate the bowels to move to the rectal region. You can massage with any good baby oil.

Constipation in babies (0 to 6 months) – Constipation in children 

  1. Constipation in children 
  2. Constipation in babies (0 to 6 months) 

This page provides information about constipation in babies from 0 to around 6 months. For See constipation in children for information for older babies on solid food and children.

Constipation occurs when your baby finds it difficult to poop or does not poop as frequently as they should.

Some babies poop several times per day. Others poop only once a day or every other day. The important thing is that the poos are soft and easy to pass.

How to Determine Whether Your Baby Is Constipated

If your baby’s poop resembles firm dry pellets that do not soak into the nappy, he or she may be constipated.

If your baby’s poop is soft, even if they haven’t had a dirty nappy in 1 or 2 days, they are not constipated.


It is normal to strain when passing poop. Constipation is frequently indicated by squeezing while crying. When a baby is straining, the skin on their face turns red, and they may grunt or make other noises.

Constipation in breastfed babies

Because breast milk contains a natural laxative, breastfed babies are rarely constipated. They have yellow-colored seedy poos that are frequently quite soft. Breastfed newborns may poop after each feed. Older breastfed babies may not poop for up to a week. If the poop is soft, this is not constipation.

Constipation and formula feeding

Breastfed babies have bulkier poop and must poop more frequently than formula-fed babies. Check the amount of scoops you’re using if you’re formula feeding.


To begin, you can try home remedies to relieve your child’s constipation. These remedies should start working within 24 hours; if your child does not have a bowel movement within 24 hours, or if you are concerned, contact your child’s doctor or nurse.

Babies — Consult a doctor or nurse about constipation treatment if your child is under four months old. Contact your child’s doctor if there are any concerning signs or symptoms (such as severe pain or rectal bleeding) in addition to constipation. The following remedies are for infants with constipation who are older than four months:

Fruit juice – If your infant is at least four months old, you can treat constipation with certain fruit juices. This includes juice from prunes, apples, or pears (other juices are not as helpful). For children aged four to eight months, you can give them 2 to 3 ounces (60 to 120 mL) of 100% fruit juice per day. Infants aged 8 to 12 months can consume up to 6 ounces (180 mL) of fruit juice per day. However, juice should not be given every day for more than a week or two. Too much juice can be detrimental to a child’s overall diet and growth.

Dark corn syrup – For hundreds of years, dark corn syrup has been used as a folk remedy for constipation. Dark corn syrup contains complex sugar proteins that aid in the retention of water in the bowel. However, current types of dark corn syrup may lack these sugar proteins, making the syrup ineffective. It is unclear whether light corn syrup is beneficial.

High-fiber foods – If your baby has started eating solid foods, you can replace rice cereal with barley cereal. Other high-fiber fruits and vegetables (or purées) to consider include apricots, sweet potatoes, pears, prunes, peaches, plums, beans, peas, broccoli, and spinach. Fruit juice (apple, prune, or pear) can be combined with cereal or fruit/vegetable purée.

Iron-containing formulas – Because the dose of iron in infant formula is so small, it does not cause or worsen constipation. As a result, switching to a low-iron formula is not advised because it will not alleviate constipation. Your doctor or nurse may advise you to use a different type of formula; consult them before making any changes to your formula.

Iron drops contain more iron and may occasionally cause constipation. As a result, infants who require iron drops may require additional dietary changes or treatments to avoid constipation.

— Children If your child has been constipated for a short period of time, changing his or her diet may be the only treatment required. You can make these changes as frequently as necessary.

If your child does not have a bowel movement within 24 hours of trying the suggestions below, contact his or her doctor or nurse. If your child has concerning symptoms of constipation (severe pain, rectal bleeding), or if you have any questions, contact your child’s doctor or nurse before using any of the following treatments.

Dietary suggestions

Fruit juice – Some fruit juices can soften bowel movements. Prunus, apple, and pear are examples (other juices are not as helpful). Children between the ages of one and six should not consume more than 4 to 6 ounces (120 to 180 mL) of 100% fruit juice per day; children over the age of seven can consume up to two 4-ounce (120 mL) servings per day.

●Fluids – It is not necessary to drink large amounts of fluid to treat constipation, although it is reasonable to be sure that the child drinks enough fluid. For children older than one year, enough fluid is defined as 32 ounces (960 mL) or more of water or other non-milk liquids per day. It is not necessary or helpful for the child to drink more than this if he or she is not thirsty.

●Food recommendations – Offer your child a well-balanced diet, including whole-grain foods, fruits, and vegetables (figure 2 and table 1). However, do not force these foods and do not use a high-fiber diet instead of other treatments (table 2A-B).

Praise your child for trying these foods and encourage him or her to eat them on a regular basis; however, do not force these foods on your child if he or she is unwilling to eat them. Before giving up, you should try a new food 8 to 10 times. While your child is constipated, you should avoid (or limit) the consumption of certain foods, such as cow’s milk, yoghurt, cheese, and ice cream.

Some children may benefit from a fibre supplement. Fiber supplements come in a variety of forms, such as wafers, chewable tablets, and powdered fibre that can be mixed into juice (or frozen into popsicles).

Milk – Some children experience constipation as a result of their inability to tolerate the protein in cow’s milk. If other constipation treatments are ineffective, have the child abstain from all cow’s milk (and milk products) for at least two weeks. If your child’s constipation does not improve during this period, you can resume giving cow’s milk. Consult your doctor or nurse if you notice blood in your child’s bowel movement.

If your child has not been drinking milk for a long time, consult with his or her doctor or nurse about ways to ensure that he or she is getting enough calcium and vitamin D.


Constipation in a baby can cause discomfort and irritability. People can try a variety of at-home remedies to assist them alleviate constipation.

If symptoms do not improve, it is best to speak to the infant’s pediatrician for additional strategies.

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